He he...
My hero ! :)
Able to construct a nice succession of melodies on the duration, without using brutal breaksor obvious transitions. Well done.
A good diversity of melodies here, still perfectly constructed and caracterised by this natural gift of yours in the linearity and precision.
I appreciated a lot the modulation at the end, great way to finish a song.
Be careful nonetheless not to fall into caricature. Cause at one moment with only violins and piano playing this kind of sentimental melody, we are close to ;)
Another thing that is maybe a little too obvious and annoying, in my opinion is the ending on the main theme (at the end of the each 4 parts of it), the last note which is supposed to relaunch the next part of the theme, is a bit too pronounced (cause you play several in the same time) and still the same. See what I mean ? Maybe a bit too binar and could break the atmosphere by bringing too much concretism (ok, I go far in my ideas :D).
Other than that (which is really very subjective, and more an affair of tastes), perfect structure here again, I'm jealous you can hold a song on more than 5 minutes that way. And still an homogeneous choice of all your instruments. Cool atmosphere.
Great job once again.