
28 Game Reviews

13 w/ Responses


The combination of keyboard and mouse as the control of different figures in the game is not something new or really innovative (if you never played to this amazing game that "Dale & Peakot" is, you should take a look on it), but this little game is quite entertaining. And contrary to the usual difficulty we often imagine at the view of such "childish" drawing (i mean ballons with a great smile, blocks that look like smileys, etc.), I must confess this one is not that easy. And precision is a key word concerning every jump and handling of the cursor. So yeah no problem with the challenge it offers. I didn't found the commands or use of the mouse glitchy or not clear enough contrary to what could have been said, the problem just come from us, players, who don't have the habit to separate keyboard and mouse for 2 different tasks .

A nice game in my opinion, with an honorable and not-more-stupid-or-artificial-story-t han-another with a whit of humor. Nice drawings and original construction of levels. Though, it tends to be a little boring in the end, cause the add of caterpillars and ballons is not enough to extend the life expectancy. Good job overall.

Absolutely awesome.

I'm really impressed by the quality of this game you presented. I didn't see every other realisation of the game jam 4, but i guess i already know which one will be my favorite.

Aboslutely no mistake, no false step, from the idea, to the music, passing by animation and graphism, everything is perfect. You transformed the handicap in an advantage, giving this game its originality. I really loved the "confident step" of the little dudes, and the character looks almost sympathic but certainly atypical. Everything is well dosed, maybe i could have said something on the cadence of the walkers, cause they arrive each time on a regular timing, and no one is running faster than the other (even the fat guys hold out, he he !), but finally it become so hard on level 6 there is no need of another challenge. It's the kind of game in which if you just panic one second, it's over.
One of the first time i enjoyed living a nightmare (the level 6.)

Excellent job, long live to your team.

thinking-man responds:

Thanks man! What a great review!

Good job !

It's a good surprise to see that a new game of Sorrow is out !
It usually means fun and originality ahead (and medals :) ).
You didn't fail this time either, this game is really nice. Ok, here, we can't say it's super original with a big S, but you managed to make a good remake of the initial wallbreaker. The curving moves are really what brought this flash its peculiar aspect and that distinguish it from the other wallbreakers.
Very nice physical aspect too, quite purified and soft with those round corners. It reminded me the platforms of shark activity.
I just think you should have left the power ups. Cause, even if the apparition of new blocks stretch out the life expectancy of the game (btw, the gold ones are fucking strong...), the lack of bonus is flagrant, and we could fall into boredom and frustration.
Anyway, overall, good job, good effort and good realisation.

ThinXIII responds:

Wow thanks so much and yeah I should have added powerups. If I ever were to do a breakout game I would include powerups. In this one I just had given all the focus on the different types of blocks.

By the way your reviews are really helpful, thank you once again. :)

Ah !

At last, an original dress up games !!
I still don't particularly like this kind of games, but i notice a very good effort of imagination for creating a dress up flash that does not stay on the base concept without improving anything.

The drawings are pretty cool too. The idea and realisation are really a success, and it brings a touch of absurd and burlesque here. Which is pretty good.
Nice work on the accessories, backgrounds, colors, etc.
Good job.

A few issues.

That's a quite good looking chessgame.
But, there are some problems in it. First, you confused the king and the queen. Those pictograms don't represent what they should.
The king is supposed to be the one with the little cross above...
Though, they are still well placed on the chessboard.
Another thing is that on my first game, i checked (is that the correct word ?) his king, and the game said "Pat" and stopped. Though, there were possibilites for him to move. And obviously, there can't be any pat when someone is being checked. If you want i made a screenshot, i can send it to you. Just ask me.
The problem is I can't reasonably play if your game doesn't know the rules itself ;)

Nevertheless, i told you it was good looking, and fast enough. The history was very well done and clear. So you just need to correct those little things and it'll be perfect.

uzuriel responds:

Will try to fix it during weekend thanks for review

Cool 2nd part.

Indeed. That's a good sequel to this first and awesome game.
Really easier, but is that a bad point ? I guess not, the hardest games are not necessarly the best ones. It's still savory, and it's a joy to find again those microbs and their tentacles.
So, nothing new (except the purple microbs ?? are you kidding ? :D ), but still very effective and enjoyable.
Actually, yes there is something new : the level editor, that's a good idea. I just would have like that the fact you want to play a level doesn't bring you to gamezhero website.

Overall, still an excellent game with an original idea as good as its enactment. A nice ambient music, a cool and simple background, everything make a coherent and homogeneous ensemble. It's just harder to be as enthousiastic as i was for the first part.
Very good game.
PS : The level 11 medal seems not to be working. Maybe it's just for me, but i tell you.

Not really interesting

Overall i found it boring. The question is not even to wonder if this is challenging or not, cause personnally, i didn't really got the will to make the best score i could or to improve my best. I just played once and it was enough. The interest of a side scroller is often limitated, but here there was nothing really fun, and nothing that could make this game different than others.
The only thing to do here is taking all the jumps without nothing to prevent you to do so. No ennemies (like skiiers crossing the track, or trees falling, i don't know). Even the panda face is not really amusing (even if it's correctly drawn in its cartoon-manga style).
I noticed the fact that the panda is spinning sometimes, and its fall is well done but i guess that's the only thing that brings a bit of personnal touch in this little game.

I give you a 4 for your work, but you definitely lose points due to the lack of creativity and originality, and to the horribly repeatetive music (please try to replace it with a linear song, you have the choice here on NG, it's really inhuman to stand this little loop that doesn't loop well).
Even if this game has no high pretention, you could make it really better.
It has got potential, just need a little more finishing to be good.

Very good concept !

Indeed !
Pretty addicting, of course, just like the shark activity !
You managed to make this little game quite varied, and the difficulty levels are well distinct from the others. The idea of combining the (num)balls brought some challenge, more than the (still good) one (idea) of just avoiding the other ones. Putting them in order was an excellent idea (holy shit, i don't find any synonyms in english for "idea") too, and that allows you not to be too passive, and obligates you to still stay focused on what you are doing.
Though, i would have like to see an "extreme pack" or something like that, something REALLY challenging ! Like, combining many balls without hitting both the other balls and the walls and in a specific order, with holes moving, etc. (it's just an idea ;) )
Anyway, overall it was well thought and well done, a good realisation, a good choice of colors, of music.
Very good job for a very simple but effective concept.

PS : just one thing about the scores, i noticed, that you don't need to place the balls well. Just do it the faster you can and you'll get all the points. Is that fair ? The speed is more important than the cleanliness ? (personnally i've got no problem with that :) )

ThinXIII responds:

And yeah after testing a lot, the speed factor seemed more challenging and important for getting them highscores. Although you get just a little more when you place the balls more accurately.

Thanks for the awesome review. :D

More than a side scrolling.

Awesome work you did in three days (i hope no one will tell you "poor effort"...)
Cause that's a real nice project you submitted here.
Indeed it's more than a vertical side-scrolling, the formation of the bugs is a key-element that brings strategy in the game. It allows you to shoot in every direction, each strategy having its strenghts and weakness.
The difficulty increases perfectly, so it's entertaining 'til the end.
The graphisms were nice too, and the drawings of the beginning quite funny. Nevertheless, i'm not sure i recognized which part of the human body was represented by each ennemy (does every human have some blue balls with teeth, spitting acid inside him ?). ;)
I'm not really found of the music but it was well-done and well introduced, and suited well to the atmosphere, kind of a mix of adventure and insanity.
So bravo for this nice little game.

PS : Maybe it's just me, but when i'm in fullscreen, the numbers can't be used any more to change formation. Would be cool to try to fix it.


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